Glistening Coats
2899 days ago - Prontera 42, 213 - Lywh
x1 | +9 Malicious Thanatos Katar [1] | 250,000,000z | |
x1 | +9 Liberation Thanatos Katar [1] | 250,000,000z | |
x1 | +9 Kingbird Hurricane Fury [1] | 500,000,000z | |
x1 | +9 Double Kingbird Crimson Bow [2] | 200,000,000z | |
x1 | +9 Robot's Arm [2] | 550,000,000z | |
x1 | +9 Guillotine Katar [1] | 400,000,000z | |
x1 | Insomniac Hexagon Spectacles [1] | 100,000,000z | |
x1 | Blood Butterfly Ears of True Sight [1] | 200,000,000z | |
x1 | +11 Isabella Red Ear of Thief | 650,000,000z | |
x1 | Rideword Hat [1] | 250,000,000z | |
x1 | +9 Polution Evil Marching Hat [1] | 300,000,000z | |
x5340 | Glistening Coat | 43,000z |