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4767 days ago - Prontera 147, 165 - Discounted Items!!!
x1Krasnaya [3]24,000,000z
x1Sniping Suit [1]7,000,000z
x1Sniping Suit [1]7,000,000z
x1Sniping Suit [1]7,000,000z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]4,400,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]800,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]800,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]800,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]800,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]800,000z
x1Doom Slayer600,000z
x1Piercing Staff300,000z
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4767 days ago - Prontera 147, 168 - Discounted Items!!!
x1Krasnaya [3]24,000,000z
x1Sniping Suit [1]7,000,000z
x1Sniping Suit [1]7,000,000z
x1Sniping Suit [1]7,000,000z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]4,500,000z
x1Doom Slayer800,000z
x1Ring [1]600,000z
x1Ring [1]600,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]800,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]800,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]800,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]800,000z
Link to this shop.

4767 days ago - Prontera 147, 168 - Discounted Items!!!
x1Krasnaya [3]24,000,000z
x1Sniping Suit [1]7,000,000z
x1Sniping Suit [1]7,000,000z
x1Sniping Suit [1]7,000,000z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]4,500,000z
x1Doom Slayer800,000z
x1Ring [1]600,000z
x1Ring [1]600,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]800,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]800,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]800,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]800,000z
Link to this shop.

4767 days ago - Prontera 147, 168 - Discounted Items!!!
x1Krasnaya [3]25,000,000z
x1Sniping Suit [1]7,800,000z
x1Sniping Suit [1]7,800,000z
x1Sniping Suit [1]7,800,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]900,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]900,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]900,000z
x1Ring [1]800,000z
x1Ring [1]800,000z
Link to this shop.

4767 days ago - Prontera 147, 168 - Discounted Items!!!
x1Krasnaya [3]25,000,000z
x1Sniping Suit [1]7,800,000z
x1Sniping Suit [1]7,800,000z
x1Sniping Suit [1]7,800,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]900,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]900,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]900,000z
x1Ring [1]800,000z
x1Ring [1]800,000z
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4767 days ago - Prontera 147, 168 - Discounted Items!!!
x1Krasnaya [3]25,000,000z
x1Sniping Suit [1]7,800,000z
x1Sniping Suit [1]7,800,000z
x1Sniping Suit [1]7,800,000z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]4,400,000z0z
x1Luna Bow [2]900,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]900,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]900,000z
x1Ring [1]800,000z
x1Ring [1]800,000z
x1Scalpel [3]500,000z0z
Link to this shop.

4767 days ago - Prontera 147, 168 - Discounted Items!!!
x1Krasnaya [3]25,000,000z
x1Sniping Suit [1]7,800,000z
x1Sniping Suit [1]7,800,000z
x1Sniping Suit [1]7,800,000z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]4,400,000z
x1Lucius's Fierce Armor of Volcano3,800,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]900,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]900,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]900,000z
x1Ring [1]800,000z
x1Ring [1]800,000z
x1Scalpel [3]500,000z
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4767 days ago - Prontera 114, 98 - SnipingSuit,MeteoArmor,Krasnaya,Luna
x1Sniping Suit [1]8,000,000z
x1Sniping Suit [1]8,000,000z
x1Sniping Suit [1]8,000,000z
x1Ring [1]900,000z
x1Ring [1]900,000z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]4,800,000z
x1Krasnaya [3]28,000,000z
x1Scalpel [3]900,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]900,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]900,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]900,000z
x1Lucius's Fierce Armor of Volcano4,500,000z
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4767 days ago - Prontera 114, 98 - SnipingSuit,MeteoArmor,Krasnaya,Luna
x1Sniping Suit [1]8,000,000z
x1Sniping Suit [1]8,000,000z
x1Sniping Suit [1]8,000,000z
x1Ring [1]900,000z
x1Ring [1]900,000z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]4,800,000z
x1Krasnaya [3]28,000,000z
x1Scalpel [3]900,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]900,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]900,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]900,000z
x1Lucius's Fierce Armor of Volcano4,500,000z
Link to this shop.

4769 days ago - Prontera 151, 151 - Random stuff
x1Krasnaya [3]35,000,000z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]5,000,000z
x1Telling Doll Hat Box5,000,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]1,200,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]1,200,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]1,200,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]1,200,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]1,200,000z
x1Ring [1]800,000z
x42Bloody Branch7,500,000z
Link to this shop.

4769 days ago - Prontera 151, 152 - Krasnaya[3], LunaBow[2],MeteoArmor
x1Krasnaya [3]35,000,000z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]5,000,000z
x1Telling Doll Hat Box5,000,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]1,200,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]1,200,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]1,200,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]1,200,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]1,200,000z
x1Ring [1]800,000z
x1Doom Slayer600,000z
x1Piercing Staff600,000z0z
x1Scalpel [3]500,000z0z
Link to this shop.

4770 days ago - Prontera 147, 153 - Krasnaya[3],LunaBow[2],MeteoArmor
x1Krasnaya [3]35,000,000z
x1Telling Doll Hat Box5,000,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]1,200,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]1,200,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]1,200,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]1,200,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]1,200,000z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]4,500,000z
x1Ring [1]800,000z
x1Piercing Staff500,000z
x1Doom Slayer800,000z
x1Scalpel [3]400,000z
Link to this shop.

4771 days ago - Prontera 149, 138 - Platinum Shield,Krasnaya,LunaBow,BB
x1Krasnaya [3]35,000,000z
x42Bloody Branch8,500,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]1,500,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]1,500,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]1,500,000z
x57Delicious Shaved Ice500,000z
x1Bloody Axe3,500,000z0z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]4,500,000z
x1Ring [1]850,000z
Link to this shop.

4771 days ago - Prontera 149, 138 - Platinum Shield,Krasnaya,LunaBow,BB
x1Platinum Shield15,000,000z
x1Krasnaya [3]35,000,000z
x42Bloody Branch8,500,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]1,500,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]1,500,000z
x1Luna Bow [2]1,500,000z
x57Delicious Shaved Ice500,000z
x1Erde [2]2,000,000z
x1Bloody Axe3,500,000z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]4,500,000z
x1Ring [1]850,000z
Link to this shop.

4772 days ago - Prontera 149, 162 - BB's and Random MvP Drops
x1Krasnaya [3]35,000,000z
x20Bloody Branch8,000,000z
x12Ghost Coffin1,000,000z
x3Spiritual Auger6,000,000z
x1Witch's Pumpkin Hat10,000,000z
x1Doom Slayer [1]1,500,000z
x1Shinobi Sash50,000z
x1Wand of Occult50,000z
x1Gakkung Bow [2]1,200,000z0z
Link to this shop.

4772 days ago - Prontera 149, 162 - BB's and Random MvP Drops
x1Krasnaya [3]35,000,000z
x20Bloody Branch8,000,000z
x12Ghost Coffin1,000,000z
x3Spiritual Auger6,000,000z
x1Witch's Pumpkin Hat10,000,000z
x1Doom Slayer [1]1,500,000z
x1Shinobi Sash50,000z
x1Wand of Occult50,000z
x1Gakkung Bow [2]1,200,000z
Link to this shop.

4772 days ago - Prontera 149, 162 - BB's and Random MvP Drops
x1Krasnaya [3]35,000,000z
x20Bloody Branch8,000,000z
x12Ghost Coffin1,000,000z
x3Spiritual Auger6,000,000z
x1Witch's Pumpkin Hat10,000,000z
x1Doom Slayer [1]1,500,000z
x1Grand Circlet1,500,000z0z
x1Erde [2]1,500,000z0z
x1Erde [2]1,500,000z0z
x1Shinobi Sash50,000z
x1Wand of Occult50,000z
x1Gakkung Bow [2]1,200,000z
Link to this shop.

4773 days ago - Prontera 149, 166 - Witch Pumpkin and MvP loot
x1Krasnaya [3]35,000,000z
x1Witch's Pumpkin Hat20,000,000z
x3Spiritual Auger6,000,000z
x12Ghost Coffin900,000z
x1Shinobi Sash50,000z
Link to this shop.

4774 days ago - Prontera 149, 166 - Witch Pumpkin and MvP loot
x1Krasnaya [3]35,000,000z
x1Witch's Pumpkin Hat20,000,000z
x3Spiritual Auger6,000,000z
x1Grand Circlet3,000,000z0z
x12Ghost Coffin900,000z
x1Shinobi Sash50,000z
Link to this shop.

4774 days ago - Prontera 149, 166 - Witch pumpkin Hat, MvP drops
x1Krasnaya [3]35,000,000z
x1Witch's Pumpkin Hat20,000,000z
x1Grand Circlet3,000,000z
x1Shinobi Sash50,000z
x12Ghost Coffin1,000,000z
x3Spiritual Auger6,000,000z
Link to this shop.

4780 days ago - Prontera 147, 167 - Krasnaya[3],Other MvP loot
x1Krasnaya [3]25,000,000z
x1Witch's Pumpkin Hat10,000,000z
x1Grand Circlet3,400,000z
x1Shinobi Sash50,000z
x12Ghost Coffin1,000,000z
Link to this shop.

4780 days ago - Prontera 147, 167 - Krasnaya[3],Other MvP loot
x1Krasnaya [3]25,000,000z
x1Witch's Pumpkin Hat10,000,000z
x1Grand Circlet3,400,000z
x1Shinobi Sash50,000z
x1Huuma Blaze Shuriken2,000,000z
x12Ghost Coffin1,000,000z
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4786 days ago - Prontera 156, 162 - Random Stuff selling Cheap
4786 days ago - Prontera 156, 162 - Random Stuff selling Cheap
4787 days ago - Prontera 154, 172 - Random Stuff and MVP
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