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Shops from Warpie_VA
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3415 days ago - Prontera 164, 130 - House of Cards~
x4Verit Card7,500,000z
x5Vanberk Card7,500,000z
x3Zerom Card10,000,000z
x2Bloody Knight Card50,000,000z
x4Holden Card7,500,000z
x3Noxious Card35,000,000z
x2Hylozoist Card12,000,000z
x2Hodremlin Card75,000,000z
x2Carat Card60,000,000z
x5Earth Deleter Card5,000,000z
x6Kobold Card5,000,000z
x2Abysmal Knight Card60,000,000z
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3415 days ago - Prontera 164, 130 - House of Cards~
x4Verit Card7,500,000z
x5Vanberk Card7,500,000z
x3Zerom Card10,000,000z
x2Bloody Knight Card50,000,000z
x4Holden Card7,500,000z
x3Noxious Card35,000,000z
x2Hylozoist Card12,000,000z
x2Hodremlin Card75,000,000z
x2Carat Card60,000,000z
x5Earth Deleter Card5,000,000z
x6Kobold Card5,000,000z
x2Abysmal Knight Card60,000,000z
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3415 days ago - Prontera 164, 130 - House of Cards~
x4Verit Card7,500,000z
x5Vanberk Card7,500,000z
x3Zerom Card10,000,000z
x2Bloody Knight Card50,000,000z
x4Holden Card7,500,000z
x3Noxious Card35,000,000z
x2Hylozoist Card12,000,000z
x2Hodremlin Card75,000,000z
x2Carat Card60,000,000z
x5Earth Deleter Card5,000,000z
x6Kobold Card5,000,000z
x2Abysmal Knight Card60,000,000z
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3415 days ago - Prontera 164, 130 - House of Cards~
x5Verit Card7,500,000z
x5Vanberk Card7,500,000z
x3Zerom Card10,000,000z
x2Bloody Knight Card50,000,000z
x4Holden Card7,500,000z
x3Noxious Card35,000,000z
x2Hylozoist Card12,000,000z
x2Hodremlin Card75,000,000z
x2Carat Card60,000,000z
x5Earth Deleter Card5,000,000z
x6Kobold Card5,000,000z
x2Abysmal Knight Card60,000,000z
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3415 days ago - Prontera 164, 130 - House of Cards~
x5Verit Card7,500,000z
x5Vanberk Card7,500,000z
x3Zerom Card10,000,000z
x2Bloody Knight Card50,000,000z
x4Holden Card7,500,000z
x3Noxious Card35,000,000z
x2Hylozoist Card12,000,000z
x2Hodremlin Card75,000,000z
x2Carat Card60,000,000z
x5Earth Deleter Card5,000,000z
x6Kobold Card5,000,000z
x2Abysmal Knight Card60,000,000z
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3415 days ago - Prontera 164, 130 - House of Cards~
x5Verit Card7,500,000z
x5Vanberk Card7,500,000z
x3Zerom Card10,000,000z
x2Bloody Knight Card50,000,000z
x4Holden Card7,500,000z
x3Noxious Card35,000,000z
x2Hylozoist Card12,000,000z
x2Hodremlin Card75,000,000z
x2Carat Card60,000,000z
x5Earth Deleter Card5,000,000z
x6Kobold Card5,000,000z
x2Abysmal Knight Card60,000,000z
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3415 days ago - Prontera 164, 130 - House of Cards~
x5Verit Card7,500,000z
x5Vanberk Card7,500,000z
x3Zerom Card10,000,000z
x2Bloody Knight Card50,000,000z
x4Holden Card7,500,000z
x3Noxious Card35,000,000z
x2Hylozoist Card12,000,000z
x2Hodremlin Card75,000,000z
x2Carat Card60,000,000z
x5Earth Deleter Card5,000,000z
x6Kobold Card5,000,000z
x2Abysmal Knight Card60,000,000z
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3415 days ago - Prontera 164, 130 - House of Cards~
x5Verit Card7,500,000z
x5Vanberk Card7,500,000z
x3Zerom Card10,000,000z
x2Bloody Knight Card50,000,000z
x4Holden Card7,500,000z
x3Noxious Card35,000,000z
x2Hylozoist Card12,000,000z
x2Hodremlin Card75,000,000z
x2Carat Card60,000,000z
x5Earth Deleter Card5,000,000z
x6Kobold Card5,000,000z
x2Abysmal Knight Card60,000,000z
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3415 days ago - Prontera 164, 130 - House of Cards~
x5Verit Card7,500,000z
x5Vanberk Card7,500,000z
x3Zerom Card10,000,000z
x2Bloody Knight Card50,000,000z
x4Holden Card7,500,000z
x3Noxious Card35,000,000z
x2Hylozoist Card12,000,000z
x2Hodremlin Card75,000,000z
x2Carat Card60,000,000z
x5Earth Deleter Card5,000,000z
x6Kobold Card5,000,000z
x2Abysmal Knight Card60,000,000z
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3432 days ago - Prontera 147, 102 - House of Cards~
x3Zerom Card20,000,000z
x2Carat Card60,000,000z
x2Hylozoist Card20,000,000z
x3Noxious Card35,000,000z
x2Hodremlin Card75,000,000z
x8Kobold Card6,000,000z
x2Bloody Knight Card50,000,000z
x4Holden Card20,000,000z
x4Vanberk Card12,000,000z
x5Verit Card8,000,000z
x4Matyr Card8,000,000z
x26Blank Card75,000z
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3435 days ago - Prontera 147, 100 - House of Cards~
x1Marc Card12,000,000z
x2Hodremlin Card75,000,000z
x3Noxious Card35,000,000z
x2Hylozoist Card20,000,000z
x2Carat Card60,000,000z
x3Zerom Card18,000,000z
x3Kobold Card5,000,000z
x4Vanberk Card12,000,000z
x2Verit Card8,000,000z
x4Matyr Card8,000,000z
x4Holden Card20,000,000z
x3Earth Deleter Card6,000,000z
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3435 days ago - Prontera 147, 100 - House of Cards~
x1Marc Card12,000,000z
x2Hodremlin Card75,000,000z
x3Noxious Card35,000,000z
x2Hylozoist Card20,000,000z
x2Carat Card60,000,000z
x3Zerom Card18,000,000z
x3Kobold Card5,000,000z
x4Vanberk Card12,000,000z
x2Verit Card8,000,000z
x4Matyr Card8,000,000z
x4Holden Card20,000,000z
x3Earth Deleter Card6,000,000z
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3435 days ago - Prontera 147, 100 - House of Cards~
x2Marc Card12,000,000z
x2Hodremlin Card75,000,000z
x3Noxious Card35,000,000z
x2Hylozoist Card20,000,000z
x2Carat Card60,000,000z
x3Zerom Card18,000,000z
x3Kobold Card5,000,000z
x4Vanberk Card12,000,000z
x3Verit Card8,000,000z
x4Matyr Card8,000,000z
x4Holden Card20,000,000z
x3Earth Deleter Card6,000,000z
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3436 days ago - Prontera 147, 100 - House of Cards~
x2Marc Card12,000,000z
x2Hodremlin Card75,000,000z
x3Noxious Card35,000,000z
x2Hylozoist Card20,000,000z
x2Carat Card60,000,000z
x3Zerom Card18,000,000z
x3Kobold Card5,000,000z
x4Vanberk Card12,000,000z
x4Verit Card8,000,000z
x4Matyr Card8,000,000z
x4Holden Card20,000,000z
x4Earth Deleter Card6,000,000z
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3437 days ago - Prontera 147, 100 - House of Cards~
x5Marc Card12,000,000z
x2Hodremlin Card75,000,000z
x3Noxious Card35,000,000z
x3Hylozoist Card20,000,000z
x2Carat Card60,000,000z
x3Zerom Card18,000,000z
x4Kobold Card5,000,000z
x4Vanberk Card12,000,000z
x4Verit Card8,000,000z
x4Matyr Card8,000,000z
x4Holden Card20,000,000z
x4Earth Deleter Card6,000,000z
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3437 days ago - Prontera 147, 100 - House of Cards~
x5Marc Card12,000,000z
x2Hodremlin Card75,000,000z
x3Noxious Card35,000,000z
x3Hylozoist Card20,000,000z
x2Carat Card60,000,000z
x3Zerom Card18,000,000z
x4Kobold Card5,000,000z
x4Vanberk Card12,000,000z
x4Verit Card8,000,000z
x4Matyr Card8,000,000z
x4Holden Card20,000,000z
x6Earth Deleter Card6,000,000z
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3437 days ago - Prontera 147, 100 - House of Cards~
x2Carat Card60,000,000z
x3Zerom Card18,000,000z
x3Hylozoist Card20,000,000z
x3Noxious Card35,000,000z
x2Hodremlin Card75,000,000z
x5Marc Card10,000,000z
x2Bloody Knight Card50,000,000z
x5Holden Card20,000,000z
x5Vanberk Card12,000,000z
x5Verit Card8,000,000z
x4Matyr Card8,000,000z
x6Earth Deleter Card5,000,000z
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3437 days ago - Prontera 147, 106 - House of Cards~
x3Noxious Card35,000,000z
x3Hylozoist Card20,000,000z
x2Sword Guardian Card75,000,000z0z
x3Zerom Card20,000,000z
x2Carat Card60,000,000z
x6Kobold Card8,000,000z
x2Bloody Knight Card50,000,000z
x4Holden Card20,000,000z
x5Vanberk Card12,000,000z
x4Verit Card8,000,000z
x2Matyr Card8,000,000z
x369Blank Card75,000z
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3438 days ago - Prontera 147, 106 - House of Cards~
x3Noxious Card35,000,000z
x3Hylozoist Card20,000,000z
x2Sword Guardian Card75,000,000z
x3Zerom Card20,000,000z
x2Carat Card60,000,000z
x6Kobold Card8,000,000z
x2Bloody Knight Card50,000,000z
x4Holden Card20,000,000z
x5Vanberk Card12,000,000z
x4Verit Card8,000,000z
x4Matyr Card8,000,000z
x569Blank Card75,000z
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3439 days ago - Prontera 147, 106 - House of Cards~
x2Carat Card60,000,000z
x3Zerom Card20,000,000z
x3Sword Guardian Card75,000,000z
x3Hylozoist Card20,000,000z
x3Noxious Card35,000,000z
x6Kobold Card8,000,000z
x3Marc Card12,000,000z
x2Bloody Knight Card50,000,000z
x4Holden Card20,000,000z
x4Matyr Card8,000,000z
x6Earth Deleter Card8,000,000z
x4Verit Card8,000,000z
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3439 days ago - Prontera 147, 106 - House of Cards~
x2Carat Card60,000,000z
x3Zerom Card20,000,000z
x3Sword Guardian Card75,000,000z
x3Hylozoist Card20,000,000z
x3Noxious Card35,000,000z
x6Kobold Card8,000,000z
x3Marc Card12,000,000z
x2Bloody Knight Card50,000,000z
x4Holden Card20,000,000z
x4Matyr Card8,000,000z
x6Earth Deleter Card8,000,000z
x4Verit Card8,000,000z
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3440 days ago - Prontera 147, 106 - House of Cards~
x2Carat Card60,000,000z
x3Zerom Card20,000,000z
x3Sword Guardian Card75,000,000z
x3Hylozoist Card20,000,000z
x3Noxious Card35,000,000z
x6Kobold Card8,000,000z
x3Marc Card12,000,000z
x2Bloody Knight Card50,000,000z
x4Holden Card20,000,000z
x4Matyr Card8,000,000z
x6Earth Deleter Card8,000,000z
x4Verit Card8,000,000z
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3440 days ago - Prontera 147, 106 - House of Cards~
x2Carat Card60,000,000z
x3Zerom Card20,000,000z
x3Sword Guardian Card75,000,000z
x3Hylozoist Card20,000,000z
x3Noxious Card35,000,000z
x6Kobold Card8,000,000z
x3Marc Card12,000,000z
x2Bloody Knight Card50,000,000z
x4Holden Card20,000,000z
x4Matyr Card8,000,000z
x6Earth Deleter Card8,000,000z
x4Verit Card8,000,000z
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3440 days ago - Prontera 147, 106 - House of Cards~
x3Noxious Card35,000,000z
x3Hylozoist Card20,000,000z
x3Sword Guardian Card75,000,000z
x3Zerom Card20,000,000z
x2Carat Card60,000,000z
x8Kobold Card8,000,000z
x2Marc Card12,000,000z
x2Bloody Knight Card50,000,000z
x4Holden Card20,000,000z
x5Vanberk Card12,000,000z
x4Verit Card8,000,000z
x6Earth Deleter Card6,000,000z
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3441 days ago - Prontera 147, 103 - House of Cards~
x3Noxious Card35,000,000z
x3Hylozoist Card20,000,000z
x3Sword Guardian Card75,000,000z
x3Zerom Card20,000,000z
x2Carat Card60,000,000z
x8Kobold Card10,000,000z
x2Marc Card18,000,000z
x2Bloody Knight Card50,000,000z
x4Holden Card20,000,000z
x5Vanberk Card12,000,000z
x4Verit Card10,000,000z
x569Blank Card75,000z
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