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2209 days ago - Prontera 122, 119 - Hello!
2209 days ago - Prontera 122, 119 - Hello!
2209 days ago - Prontera 122, 119 - Hello!
x132Temporal Crystal300,000z
x31Magical Stone8,000,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x392Doram token300,000z
x1C Santa Hairband6,000,000z
x1Silversmith Bracelet [1]200,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x408Coagulated Spell2,400,000z
Link to this shop.

2209 days ago - Prontera 122, 119 - Hello!
x132Temporal Crystal300,000z
x31Magical Stone8,000,000z
x1Kind Heart2,000,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x392Doram token300,000z
x1C Santa Hairband6,000,000z
x1Silversmith Bracelet [1]200,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x408Coagulated Spell2,400,000z
Link to this shop.

2209 days ago - Prontera 122, 119 - Hello!
x138Doram token300,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1C Santa Hairband6,000,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x138Temporal Crystal300,000z
x1Kind Heart2,000,000z
x423Coagulated Spell2,400,000z
x31Magical Stone8,000,000z
x1Silversmith Bracelet [1]200,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
Link to this shop.

2209 days ago - Prontera 122, 119 - Hello!
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x186Temporal Crystal300,000z
x1Kind Heart2,000,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x510Coagulated Spell2,400,000z
x1C Santa Hairband6,000,000z
x31Magical Stone8,000,000z
x392Doram token300,000z
x1Silversmith Bracelet [1]200,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
Link to this shop.

2209 days ago - Prontera 122, 119 - Hello!
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Silversmith Bracelet [1]200,000z
x392Doram token300,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x510Coagulated Spell2,400,000z
x1Kind Heart2,000,000z
x186Temporal Crystal300,000z
x31Magical Stone8,000,000z
x1C Santa Hairband6,000,000z
Link to this shop.

2209 days ago - Prontera 122, 119 - Hello!
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Kind Heart2,000,000z
x1C Santa Hairband6,000,000z
x26Magical Stone8,000,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x178Temporal Crystal300,000z
x392Doram token300,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Silversmith Bracelet [1]200,000z
x491Coagulated Spell2,400,000z
Link to this shop.

2209 days ago - Prontera 122, 119 - Hello!
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Silversmith Bracelet [1]200,000z
x392Doram token300,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x178Temporal Crystal300,000z
x1Kind Heart2,000,000z
x26Magical Stone8,000,000z
x1C Santa Hairband6,000,000z
x491Coagulated Spell2,400,000z
Link to this shop.

2209 days ago - Prontera 122, 119 - Hello!
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x392Doram token300,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x26Magical Stone8,000,000z
x1Kind Heart2,000,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Faceworm Queen Leg30,000,000z
x178Temporal Crystal300,000z
x1Silversmith Bracelet [1]200,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x491Coagulated Spell2,400,000z
Link to this shop.

2210 days ago - Prontera 122, 119 - Hello!
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Faceworm Queen Leg30,000,000z
x1Silversmith Bracelet [1]200,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x26Magical Stone8,000,000z
x1Kind Heart2,000,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x392Doram token300,000z
x178Temporal Crystal300,000z
x491Coagulated Spell2,400,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
Link to this shop.

2210 days ago - Prontera 122, 119 - Hello!
2210 days ago - Prontera 122, 119 - Hello!
x178Temporal Crystal300,000z
x491Coagulated Spell2,400,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Faceworm Queen Leg30,000,000z
x1Silversmith Bracelet [1]200,000z
x162Doram token300,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x22Magical Stone8,000,000z
Link to this shop.

2210 days ago - Prontera 122, 119 - Hello!
x491Coagulated Spell2,400,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x178Temporal Crystal300,000z
x162Doram token300,000z
x1Faceworm Queen Leg30,000,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Silversmith Bracelet [1]200,000z
x22Magical Stone8,000,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
Link to this shop.

2210 days ago - Prontera 122, 119 - Hello!
x491Coagulated Spell2,400,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x178Temporal Crystal300,000z
x162Doram token300,000z
x1Faceworm Queen Leg30,000,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Silversmith Bracelet [1]200,000z
x22Magical Stone8,000,000z
x1Red Lantern3,000,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
Link to this shop.

2210 days ago - Prontera 122, 119 - Hello!
x491Coagulated Spell2,400,000z
x1Faceworm Queen Leg30,000,000z
x28Magical Stone8,000,000z
x170Temporal Crystal300,000z
x1Silversmith Bracelet [1]200,000z
x162Doram token300,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
Link to this shop.

2210 days ago - Prontera 122, 119 - Hello!
x466Coagulated Spell2,400,000z
x1Faceworm Queen Leg30,000,000z
x1Old Parasol1,000,000z
x28Magical Stone8,000,000z
x170Temporal Crystal300,000z
x1Silversmith Bracelet [1]200,000z
x162Doram token300,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
Link to this shop.

2210 days ago - Prontera 122, 119 - Hello!
x28Magical Stone8,000,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Faceworm Queen Leg30,000,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x170Temporal Crystal300,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x466Coagulated Spell2,400,000z
x162Doram token300,000z
x1Old Parasol1,000,000z
x1Silversmith Bracelet [1]200,000z
Link to this shop.

2210 days ago - Prontera 122, 119 - Hello!
x1Faceworm Queen Leg30,000,000z
x170Temporal Crystal300,000z
x28Magical Stone8,000,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x466Coagulated Spell2,400,000z
x1Old Parasol1,000,000z
x162Doram token300,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Silversmith Bracelet [1]200,000z
Link to this shop.

2210 days ago - Prontera 122, 119 - Hello!
x1Faceworm Queen Leg30,000,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x162Doram token300,000z
x466Coagulated Spell2,400,000z
x170Temporal Crystal300,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Silversmith Bracelet [1]200,000z
x28Magical Stone8,000,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Old Parasol1,000,000z
Link to this shop.

2210 days ago - Prontera 122, 119 - Hello!
x466Coagulated Spell2,400,000z
x28Magical Stone8,000,000z
x162Doram token300,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x170Temporal Crystal300,000z
x1Silversmith Bracelet [1]200,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Faceworm Queen Leg30,000,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
Link to this shop.

2210 days ago - Prontera 122, 119 - Hello!
x466Coagulated Spell2,400,000z
x28Magical Stone8,000,000z
x162Doram token300,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x170Temporal Crystal300,000z
x1Old Parasol1,000,000z
x1Silversmith Bracelet [1]200,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Faceworm Queen Leg30,000,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
Link to this shop.

2211 days ago - Prontera 122, 119 - Hello!
x162Doram token300,000z
x1Faceworm Queen Leg30,000,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x170Temporal Crystal300,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x28Magical Stone8,000,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x466Coagulated Spell2,400,000z
x1Old Parasol1,000,000z
Link to this shop.

2211 days ago - Prontera 122, 119 - Hello!
x1Faceworm Queen Leg30,000,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x28Magical Stone8,000,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Old Parasol1,000,000z
x466Coagulated Spell2,400,000z
x162Doram token300,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x170Temporal Crystal300,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x28Old Card Album4,799,999z
Link to this shop.

2211 days ago - Prontera 122, 119 - Hello!
x55Old Card Album4,799,999z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x170Temporal Crystal300,000z
x466Coagulated Spell2,400,000z
x1Faceworm Queen Leg30,000,000z
x1Old Parasol1,000,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
x28Magical Stone8,000,000z
x294Doram token300,000z
x1Death Guidance [2]400,000z
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