Exact Matches for Shining Scale
x105 for 7,900z 2240 days ago from Albertus Sa'Lamm in Random stuff under the tree at Prontera 171, 176
x105 for 7,900z 2240 days ago from Albertus Sa'Lamm in Random stuff under the tree at Prontera 171, 176
x105 for 7,900z 2240 days ago from Albertus Sa'Lamm in Random stuff under the tree at Prontera 171, 176
x105 for 7,900z 2240 days ago from Albertus Sa'Lamm in Random stuff under the tree at Prontera 171, 176
x105 for 7,900z 2240 days ago from Albertus Sa'Lamm in Random stuff under the tree at Prontera 171, 176
x105 for 7,900z 2241 days ago from Albertus Sa'Lamm in Random stuff under the tree at Prontera 171, 176